Not for Profit Organisations

Not for Profit Organisations

Sound, practical advice for improved governance and management in not for profit organisations.

Get the free Healthcheck for your organisation

Increasingly organisations in the not-for-profit sector are being required by government and other funders to provide clear evidence of their ability to operate in a professional manner with good systems and productive relationships.  Advice has wide experience working with organisations in the health, community, women and children fields and business promotion fields.

Planning and consultancy
Strategic planning, defining roles and responsibilities, right sizing to tackle the challenges being faced.  Restructure planning and management.  Quality assurance  systems and processes.

Governance and management
Organisational development for the new needs in the not-for-profit sector.  Setting up for the right roles and responsibilities, relationships and processes.

Employment management and development
Advicewise provide a full range of employment related services for not-for profit employers.  Covering employees, contractors and volunteers.  Policies developed specifically for the organisation. Documentation and guides.

Check how well you are doing

Download our free health check for your not-for profit organisation